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Study in Turkey for Moroccans

April 26, 2022
Study in Turkey
Visits : 8214

dream a lot from Moroccans and students international complete their studies at the outside, especially Turkey, Which I became station interest a lot, And that for quality and progress education at Some Countries, as well the living high the quality and in same the time cheap in Turkey, at This the article we will discuss Features the study at Turkey and ways the study at Turkey and how Join in universities turkish, as well we will update on Some Universities Turkish distinctive, and we will touch Moreover to me grants school Turkish .


Features the study In Turkey:


the living Featured in Turkey:

Is characterized by Turkey by living cheap and the same the quality high at same the time, as well Quality Structure infrastructure, and spread Safety at Turkey, That's why considered as Republic Turkish from most appropriate Countries at the world Convenience to study .

The environment Encouragement to study:

Security and safety, costs the living low, Possibility the work Next to the study to cover Some expenses, as well availability Travel and continued cheaper the prices, all of which Reasons contributed at to make Environment encouraging to study at This country ancient .

the work always partial Besides studying:

give Government Turkish for students legally all Rights for work in the form of partial Next to the study, And that for help on coverage Some Expenses own studying or the living in Turkey, as such that it there is several Universities Studied Just at Period morning or evening And with this Can for students Exploit periods the empty work and win Experience necessary to login to me Market work efficiently high .

amo _ Residence in Turkey:

There is two options with regards for students and the solution the first he is Living in the neighborhood university which Different his fees according to Type the room And from University to me other, or rent apartment With the students others Whose They want rent apartment to inhabit Moreover, as such reach Average the cost for rent apartment Turkey 500 dollars .

Transportation in Turkey:

spread means Transport all around Turkey, where spread means Transportation all the cities in Turkey, as such Available in Turkey buses and the mini Bus and metro tunnels, as such that Transportation in Turkey considered as cheap, and this is from one most important the reasons Which Make from Turkey place suitable to study .


Methods Join in universities Turkish :


I became Turkey station interest the students internationals, where has become everyone Wants Join in universities turkish, if I was would you like to Join out, you at Place the correct, where that we We will show you three Methods to join About how to Join in universities Turkish .

method First : join in universities Turkish own

Universities Turkish own, where no need to pass tests admissions, where It accept you with testimony baccalaureate Just, as such no forget that Universities own at Turkey she Universities characteristic, and it all Specialties Which seek about her the students, as such that Universities Turkish occupy mattresses advanced globally, as such that the study be in the language English or turkish, and most Universities Depends the language English as a language first to study 100% .

method Second : joining in universities Turkish governmental

and here He should that point out Point a task Which that Universities Turkish governmental from Highlight Universities at the world, and must that to get to know that University Istanbul and university the East middle Technology and university Istanbul technique from better Universities from where ranking global .

focus Universities Turkish governmental on 2 points two basic at method the choice, where be there Point certificate graduation from high school Which Point baccalaureate, or a test Capacity ( ios ) where choose Universities Turkish governmental the distinguished between the students international applicants, as such He should that to get to know that all University she has her system and conditions from hand Acceptance the students internationals .

method Third : joining to study in Turkey on road grants Turkish Free

grants school Turkish considered as from Months grants on level the world Which Grant give it Government for students international from all around the world as such It Include Most Specialties and all stages scholastic .

own Turkey number from Universities classified within Top 100 Universities at the world, Than its universities within better Universities at the world, That's why enjoy completely a lot from the students internationals, and must that to get to know that it Progress What no say About 4000 scholarships annual And with this increase Rate accepted .


better Universities Turkish Distinctive:


knowledge Importance education at the countries Depends as directly With Quality and level its universities and evolution search Scientific In which, According to for several Standards considered as Universities Turkish from better Universities at the world, from between This is amazing Standards has evolved search scientific, And this List best Universities in Turkey :

- University Istanbul Technology : Istanbul Technical University

was established at The year 1944 is University government Located based at Istanbul occupies Ranked 513 in the world and differ In which language teaching jp the college, and follow to her faculties Engineering civil and architecture Mechanics - Navigation - Metallurgy - Management Business - Chemistry - Computer and technology Information - Science and Arts

Middle East Technical University : - Middle East Technical University

was established at The year 1956 is University government Located based at Capital Ankara occupies Ranked 456 in the world and language teaching In which she the language English, and follow to her faculties Engineering Architectural - Arts And sciences - sciences Economic And administration - education - engineering

- University Bogazici : Boğaziçi University

was established at The year 1836 is University government Located based at city Istanbul occupies Ranked 629 on level the world, and language teaching In which she the language English, and follow to her faculties Sciences Teaching - Arts And the arts - sciences Economic and administrative - engineering

- University Bilkent : Bilkent

was established at The year 1984 is University Especially Located based at Capital Ankara occupies Ranked 678 in the world as such It occupy Ranked 2 locally at area Engineering technology, language teaching In which she the language English, and follow to her faculties rights - arts the beautiful and design Architecture - science - science Politics - Engineering - Management Business - Music Theatre , commerce , literature , education , economics

- University Istanbul : Istanbul U niversity

was established at The year 1453 is University government Located based at city Istanbul occupies Ranked 710 on level the world as such It occupy rank Fifth locally and the first at the field medical, and differ language teaching In which according to specialties, and follow to her faculties Includes all specialties .

- University Ankara : Ankara University

was established at The year 1946 is University government Located based at Capital Ankara occupies Ranked 743 in the world, Different In which language teaching according to Specialties , and follow to her faculties the language and history geography - medicine Dentistry - Science politics - science Teaching - Engineering - Pharmacy Medicine - Sharia - sciences  Agriculture - Veterinary - Communication

- University Hajitepe : University Hacettepe

was established at The year 1967 is University government Located based at Capital Ankara occupies Ranked 764 on level the world, Different In which language teaching according to Specialties , and follow to her faculties pharmacology - science Economic And administration - medicine - engineering - arts - sciences health and sports - sciences Teaching - science - arts Beautiful - rights

- University Anatolia : University ANADOLU

was established at The year 1967 is University government Located based at Eskişehir occupies Ranked 318 on the level European, as such It occupy rank eight locally, Different In which language teaching according to Specialties , and follow to her faculties at Different Specialties and fields what at that Sciences The space and aviation, tourism and management business .

- University Aegean : University Ege

was established at The year 1956 is University government Located based at city Izmir occupies Ranked 796 on level the world, and differ language teaching In which according to specialties, and follow to her faculties nursing, Medicine Pharmacy - Law - Arts - Science All kinds - arts Fine - Engineering - Communication

- University Ghazi : University GAZI

was established The year 1926 is University government Located based in the capital Turkish Ankara, considered as from Top 1000 Universities on level the world, as such Different language teaching In which according to specialties, as such that the University Includes all the people and specialties scholastic .

Grant to study In Turkey:

as such we mentioned at beginning the article compete the students international to get on grants to study in Turkey, we came to you with some grants to study at Turkey, Among them :

  1. Ibn Khaldun Scholarships for Social Studies
  2. Ali Kochcho Scholarship for Science and Technology
  3. Yunus Emre Turkish Language Scholarship Program
  4. Ibn Sina Scholarship for Medical Sciences
  5. Islamic Studies Program
  6. Sports Excellence Scholarship Program
  7. sbanci . University Scholarships for postgraduate studies
  8. TÜBITAK Postgraduate Program
  9. Istanbul sehir University Scholarship for Social Sciences
  10. Istanbul sehir university of natural and applied sciences scholarship
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