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Study genetics and genetics in Turkey

The study of genetics and genetics in Turkey Genetics is one of the most important disciplines offered by Turkish universities, and it is concerned with the study of the molecules that make up the cells of living organisms, and it is a very multidisciplinary and comprehensive field that is constantly developing.
Get to know with us more about the nature of this specialty, and what are the conditions required for admission to it, in addition to the most prominent features that encourage you to choose Turkey as the most suitable place to study, and finally we will inform you about the costs that you have to pay annually while studying genetic sciences in Turkish universities.
An overview of studying genetics and genetics in Turkey:
Studying genetics in Turkey allows students to explore in detail the structure and functions of living organisms, as well as teach them to test how biological characteristics are passed on from one generation to another, by dealing with the foundations of evolution and natural selection.
Genetics and genetics are studied in any undergraduate program for a period of 4 years divided into 8 semesters.
Graduates get a variety of career options, as they can work in laboratories of training and research hospitals, organizations working in the food and pharmaceutical industries, drug research and development, genetic roots research and other related fields.
What are the admission requirements to study genetics in Turkey?
To study genetics in Turkish universities, you must prepare the following documents:
High School certificate.
Language entrance exam.
a copy of the passport.
Pass the TYT Basic Aptitude Test.
Pass the AYT Field Aptitude Test.
Pass the YÖS exam.
In addition, the following conditions must be met:
Achieving the required rate to study genetics and genetics in Turkey, which varies annually and also differs from one university to another, so you can use Fanar to study and ask about the required rate.
Obtaining the initial acceptance from the university, also Fanar will help you to obtain it without paying any fees.
Pay the first installment to the university.
What are the advantages of studying this specialty in Turkey?
There are many advantages to studying genetics at a Turkish university, so we will just mention the most important ones:
Adoption of English as a second language of study.
Universities in Turkey have high quality educational programs with international and local accreditations.
Granting graduates internationally recognized university degrees.
Adopting modern teaching methods, such as providing projection screens and laboratories in which the student conducts experiments, thus refining his knowledge and experiences.
Low tuition fees for all majors compared to European and American universities.
Most universities have student housing close to the campus.
What is the cost of studying genetics and genetics in Turkey?
The costs of studying genetics vary from university to university and from state to state, but we will tell you about the cost required in some universities:
The cost of studying at Yedippe University is $12,500.
The cost of studying at Okan University is $4500.
The cost of studying at Istanbul Bilgi University: 6600 dollars.
The cost of studying at Istanbul Yeni Yuzel University: 2000 dollars.
The cost of studying at Istanbul Culture University: 4250 dollars.
Thus ends our article in which we talked about studying genetics and genetics in Turkey, where we mentioned the most important conditions required for admission to it and its most important features, and what is the annual cost required to study it.

Advantages of studying genetics and genetics in Turkey

What are the conditions for studying a genetics and genetics in Turkey

Study conditions genetics and genetics in private universities in Turkey. You must have a high school diploma 50% at least.
Having a TOEFL certificate or its equivalent to study in the English language. The presence of a Tomer certificate or its equivalent to study in the Turkish language