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Scholarship Interview in Turkey

May 26, 2022
Study in Turkey
Visits : 8214



The Turkish scholarship is one of the best scholarships that students and researchers from all over the world seek to study and complete their master’s and doctoral degrees, because these scholarships contain important, easy and wonderful features, and what Turkey’s universities offer of high-level study for both new students and researchers as well, in all fields It also offers many diverse and interesting study options, which makes applying for the Turkish scholarship flocked to by many around the world.

What is the Turkish scholarship interview 2022

First: The Turkish scholarship interview is the second step after the initial acceptance of the scholarship, and it is the stage in which your final acceptance of the scholarship and your entitlement to it are determined.

- Therefore, it is very important that you prepare for it well, so we will tell you in this article about the conditions, tips, and instructions that will help you overcome them successfully.

  • Turkish scholarship interview: It is the interview of the scholarship committee with the student, and it is also the second stage of admission, in which the student goes to a specific place and a specific time, and the duration of the interview is often between 15 and 30 minutes.
  • Interview date for the Turkish scholarship: After registering on the Turkish scholarship website, there is a stage called the evaluation stage, and at this stage your file is either accepted or rejected. Submitted by Ali

After that, you will move to the second stage, and it includes an appointment that tells you the place and time of the interview, usually between the months of (June - July).

What is the importance of getting the Turkish scholarship interview questions and their answers?

One of the most important steps that applicants for a Turkish scholarship must pass are the questions of the grant and how to answer them correctly, and prepare well for the personal interview because it is an important and main step, not only in the Turkish scholarship but in various scholarships in different countries

-Once you pass this important step, the student or researcher can enjoy peace of mind and prepare to start an interesting study trip.

What are the Turkish scholarship interview questions and answers?

In this article, we will now present some of the questions about the Turkish scholarship, so that we can take an imaginary tour about what might happen during its interview, to provide you with all the information so that you can pass the interview with the best results:

  1. Introduce yourself?

There will be a committee consisting of more than one person, and often there will be in the committee one person who speaks Arabic and another person who speaks English, where you can speak the language that you master well very freely, in order to allow the person to express himself well

  1. Getting to know the data sent by the grantee:

In this question, the validity of all the data that was sent before during the person’s application for the grant is verified, so that the committee sees how the person can cast those data with something of a real presence, which confirms these data well to the committee. Especially while starting and speaking with confidence, it also gives a good and in-depth impression of the personality of the student applying for the Turkish scholarship.

  1. Why did you choose to apply for the Turkish Scholarship?

This question is considered one of the common questions during the Turkish scholarship interview. The student or researcher must have a convincing list of logical reasons that make the committee convinced of those motives for the person to apply for the Turkish scholarship, and also make him more qualified than others for it, the presence of the correct answer with Correct papers will be one of the most important factors supporting the applicants to obtain the Turkish scholarship.

  1. What major do you want to study and why?

It is very important to prepare well for this important question, as it is one of the most important questions that are asked during the Turkish scholarship interview. The answer to this question must be convincing, specific and clear, and that the student already has the reasons and certificates qualified to study the required specialization, and also that this specialty be The student is available to study and meets the required conditions, and this is one of the most important points that students must take into account while trying to pass the interview.

  1. What is the purpose of your study of the required specialization?

This question is also considered an important part of the previous question. All study objectives must be clarified in clear and convincing points, and the student should have confidence and strength in speaking, speaking and starting, knowing that he must avoid distraction and not exaggerate, and be able to move from one point to another. Others smoothly and calmly convincingly, and this is one of the most important points that must be taken into account to obtain the Turkish scholarship.

  1. What role do you want to play in the major you are applying to?

The meaning of this question is that how can the student see himself in the future? And what role does he want to play in his society, and what difference can he make by his presence in this specialty for him or for the society and the whole world, and this is one of the most important and most vital and important questions during the interview that precedes acceptance in the Turkish scholarship.

  1. Questions on general topics, which express the personality of the applicant for the Turkish scholarship:

Those questions that the student must answer with some impartiality, and that he has a good cultural and economic background, and of course he has culture and knowledge of most of what is related to the Turkish state in all respects.

  1. How do you arrange your family affairs while you were married?

This question is important, especially for married couples, as the Turkish scholarship does not cover the material costs of the families of the married couple, and if the family is brought to Turkey, the financial responsibility will be on the student, and this is an important point that the student must prepare to answer in an orderly, convincing and specific manner.

  1. Can you study in Turkish?

This question is considered one of the vital questions that can qualify for admission to the Turkish scholarship, and the answer must have the possibility of studying in the Turkish language, expressing a strong desire to learn this language, and expressing welcome and flexibility for that.

Important notes that you must take into account while answering the Turkish scholarship questions:

  • Showing a lot of love and interest in Turkey, and expressing appreciation for the education experience in Turkey.
  • Demonstrate the desire to learn in a positive and good manner, and not talk about any negative personal negatives.
  • Not to show any kinship with any of the other applicants for the Turkish scholarship, because this point will not be in the applicants' favor.
  • Bring all the original papers, review all the points that were written in the application for the grant, and all the answers, because the committee only has to ask about those answers to know the extent of the seriousness and interest in obtaining the Turkish grant.




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