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Study prices in Turkey

April 26, 2022
Study in Turkey
Visits : 8214

Study prices in Turkey are low compared to universities around the world, and this is the main reason for attracting the attention of many foreign students to study in Turkish universities with low fees.

The tuition fees in the Turkish state also vary according to the university in which the student decides to enroll, whether it is a public university or a private university. Not only this, but the choice of the city in which the student wants to reside affects the value of the fees that he must pay.

The student must passing Exam YO rate high, In addition to me good level in the language English to study In universities, and most important of all, the student must study the Turkish language, which costs 400 US dollars, but these costs may vary according to the institute chosen by the foreign student.

Let's get to know the details of the costs of studying in Turkey for foreign students.


What are the prices? the study at Turkey in public and private universities?

ranging prices the study at Turkey from 500 to 700 dollars American per year within its public universities, and this varies according to Specialization And The university to which the foreign student is applying.

While ranging prices the study Universities in Turkey own Between 4000 and 8000 dollars American per year, including majors engineering, As for with regards for specialties medical ranging its costs Between 11,000 and 25,000 dollars American annually .


Study prices in Turkey (housing costs)

Student housing costs in Turkey vary according to the party to which he returns. Student housing costs of Turkish government agencies in all Turkish cities amount to 50 US dollars per month, with two meals per day.

It is worth noting that the Turkish government supports student housing and helps all students in it alike, whether they are Turks or foreigners.

As for costs Living student who follows destinations Especially ranging Between 150 and 250 USD monthly, with presenting number a certain from meals daily .

Students may choose private housing away from the atmosphere of government or private student housing, and here the rent of apartments varies according to Turkish cities, of which Istanbul is the highest, and the apartment rent may reach 300 dollars per month, while the rent of apartments in any other Turkish city ranges between 150 To about $ 200 .


What are the costs the living While studying in Turkey?

The cost of living in Turkey includes accommodation, food, clothing and luxury, as well as transportation and communication costs, so that the requester the alien in the form of approximate at Turkey What Approximately 400 to 500 dollars American at per month, while not transcend Values Fee University administration With Textbooks are $ 300 American at Maximum cases Through the year scholastic .

If we want to calculate the estimated costs annually, they will be as follows:

  1.  Accommodation : ranges between 3000-4000 dollars American as a limit Maximum, And from Including costs insurance .
  2.  Food : $ 2,200 _ American .
  3. Transportation within Turkish cities or within one city : it is estimated at 600 dollars American, and can requester get Easily on Card Transportation discounted own Students, whether local or international .
  4. Books : Its value is estimated at 150 US dollars annually.


Study prices in Turkey for undergraduate and postgraduate programs

The costs of studying in Turkey are the amount required by Turkish universities in exchange for studying in it, and the fees of each university vary according to its private or public nature, and the language of instruction is an important factor in the difference in university fees.


 prices study BSC at Universities governmental and special:

reach costs study BSC in universities government, which Studied Language Curriculum Turkish for citizens foreigners 500 to 1500 dollars, while rise Cost the study in Turkish public universities Which studying subjects in the language English to reach To 800 to 2000 dollars American .

As for private Turkish universities, the costs are up Studying within the undergraduate programs amounts to approximately 1800 to 5000 US dollars.

Software fees Studies upper in universities Turkish public and private:

ranging costs Programs Studies upper in universities governmental Turkish between 300-600 dollars If university students receive study materials in the language turkish, And 600-900 dollars for software Which Depends on teaching subjects in the language English .

While software costs are rising Studies upper in Turkish universities own To reach 2000-5000 dollars at school year the one .

The question here remains, is it only the low prices of study in Turkey that attracts the attention of international students, or are there other advantages to studying in Turkey, let us know them.


Features the study at Universities Turkish

There are many advantages to studying in Turkey, which make Turkish universities the best choice for local and foreign students alike, the most important of which are:

  1. level education high Quality in Turkish Universities:

Provides Universities Turkish For her ability students on acquisition skills important at all Specializations, in order to qualify them for the labor market and be able to obtain the best prestigious jobs. A distinguished teaching staff of several nationalities helps in qualifying students, in addition to the professional curricula that are supervised by the best specialists.

  1. certificate Turkish universities Accredited with Globally:

The quality of education in Turkish universities has global recognition that supports the certificate of all students graduating from these universities.

  1. partnership Universities Turkish With Universities Globalism:

Turkish universities have been keen from the moment of their establishment to establish partnerships with American and European universities, which contributes to the high quality of teaching and curricula and the value of Turkish university degrees, and this allows graduate students the opportunity to work or complete their studies in the countries of the European Union.


  1. drop costs the study and living at Turkey

We have talked about this feature in detail in the first part of this article, and we have shown the prices of studying in Turkey.

  1. Structure Infrastructure Featured at cities and universities Turkey

The Turkish government has paid increasing attention to Turkish universities and higher education, and has developed university buildings and infrastructure, in addition to paying attention to halls and laboratories and keeping pace with research, technical and scientific development around the world, with the aim of creating a university campus that motivates students to study and diligence, preparing them for libraries and modern laboratories in addition to stadiums and gyms Organizing cultural events during the school year.

and have State experienced Turkish at the years Last progress remarkable at area roads and transportation and public facilities, The effect of this progress turn on make live and movement and mobility at the cities Turkish is easier and smoothly .

than can student from Mobility at the cities Turkish using means public transport And many, which Of which metro Bus and taxi and the tram fi and the mini Bus and ships the interior and metro, with grant discounts Especially for fees which must on the students paid for use this Transportation .

  1. Diversity civilized and cultural at Turkish state

Turkey is characterized by the situation between my continent Asia and Europe with culture its people, And the nobility of its civilization Beside originality and diversity, This is what made many visitors to Turkey enjoy with mix from Landmarks tourist ancient, like mosques and museums ottoman, Beside many from the cities coastal the beautiful, where you attract Turkey Millions Arrivals every year from nationalities different to study or tourism or investment or work .


Thus, in this article, we have highlighted to you the prices of studying in Turkey, and we have shown you their low costs compared to the countries of the world, and we have explained to you the advantages of studying in Turkey that make it a global destination that attracts students regardless of their different nationalities.

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