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Antalya Bilim University
Antalya Bilim University
Antalya Bilim University
Antalya Bilim University

Antalya Bilim University

Year Founded: 2010
Visits: 633

Antalya Bilim University (formerly Antalya International University) is the second and first private university established in Antalya on July 21, 2010. Antalya International University was founded by Gaye Education Health Sports and Environment Foundation. And it began accepting students in the academic year 2012-2013.

Global Ranking: 6143

Local Ranking: 149

Initial Price: $

city: Antalya

It consists of 6 faculties (economic and administrative sciences, engineering, tourism, law, communication, fine arts, and architecture), 4 Vocational schools (civil aviation, foreign languages, the vocational school of justice), and 2 institutes (social sciences, sciences).


 Brief information About Antalya Belem University

The following is the most important preliminary information that you need to know about the university:


Where is Antalya University located?

The university is located in the province of Antalya and has a central and privileged location in this state.

What are the languages ​​ supported at Antalya Bilim University?

The university adopts Turkish and English in its educational curricula

Number of Students at Antalya Bilim University

In 2018, the number of Antalya Bilim University students reached more than three thousand, including hundreds of foreign students from more than 79 countries, especially Arabs. where the university attracts large numbers of students from different countries of the world annually.

Advantages of studying at Antalya Bilim University

  • The university has a privileged and central location in Antalya.
  • The university provides many scientific laboratories that provide real opportunities for scientific research
  • The university has advanced technology and luxurious infrastructure.
  • Its campus offers many educational and student services.
  • It is famous for having distinguished faculty members.
  • It has many programs and teaches the most important medical, engineering, and administrative specialties.
  • It has more than six colleges and four postgraduate schools.
  • English is the primary language of instruction.
  • it is a member of Global Student Exchange Programs.

Other information about the university

  • Antalya Bilim University is considered one of the most important universities interested in transforming theoretical educational curricula into qualitative applied programs
  • The university is recognized for its commitment to scientific research, and it enjoys global credibility
  • The university adopts English as the official language of study at the university in many of its academic disciplines
  • The university has strong relations with various European universities
  • The student clubs of Antalya Bilim University are among the largest and most active clubs

How do I get to the university website?

You can visit Antalya Belem University at its premises located at the following address:

 Çıplaklı, Akdeniz Blv. No:290/A, 07190 Döşemealtı/Antalya

Or visit the University's official website.


Register at Antalya Belem University

To register you will need all of the following documents:

  • A copy of your high school diploma
  • A copy of the high school transcript
  • A copy of your passport
  • Personal Photo
  • Certificate of proficiency in the English language "TOEFL test", if any
