Maulana Student Exchange Programs in Turkey, this program was prepared in relation to Jalaluddin Al-Rumi, who performed Sufi dances and ceremonies, and the education system in Turkey has developed significantly during the last ten years, and this is through the government's provision of permanent support to schools and universities, where the number of universities that are located Under the supervision of the Supreme Universities Council, about 200 private and public universities are distinguished by the latest teaching methods .
Mevlana Student Exchange Programs in Turkey
The Mevlana Student Exchange Program in Turkey is one of the programs that work to learn more about different cultures and exchange experiences .
- This program works to exchange a number of students as well as academics between places of higher education within Turkey and also within other countries .
- 2011 law , which stipulates the right to exchange academics as well as students within universities of higher education within Turkey and exchange with other educational institutions around the world .
- Maulana Student Exchange Program includes all the higher educational centers located in all countries of the world without exception .
- There are many countries that have signed with Turkey in order to benefit from this program, such as Palestine, Russia, Japan, the United States of America and many others .
- The student can study one semester only “ at least ” or two semesters “ at most ” The academic can attend for a week “ at least ” and three months “ at most ”.
- A foreign student can have the same advantages, as he can also study or lecture within Turkish higher educational institutions for the same period .
Conditions for applying for the Maulana program for students
A set of conditions must apply to the student who wishes to apply for this program in order to be accepted .
- The student should be among those registered in one of the Turkish higher educational institutions, either as a doctoral student, a bachelor's degree or a master's degree .
- The university in which he is studying is located within the joint universities in this system so that he can benefit from it .
- Universities located inside Europe and have registered in the Erasmus program do not have the right to benefit from this program .
- The student must have a cumulative grade point average ( GPA ) of at least 2.5 out of 4 in the year in which he/she applied .
- The GPA of the doctoral student or the master's student is not less than 3 out of 4 , and the assessment is made through 50% for the foreign language and another 50% for the cumulative average .
- Students who are still in their first year of study, as well as the preparatory year, cannot apply for this program until at least one semester has elapsed .
- The student applying for the Maulana Student Exchange Program must also obtain a language certificate at a specific level determined by the university .
Monthly Grant
Universities inside Turkey offer many different scholarships to foreign and non-foreign students .
- The student coming to Turkey receives a scholarship, where one semester consisting of four months and two semesters consisting of eight months is calculated, and the student receives approximately 750 Turkish liras .
- The student who leaves from Turkey, the first semester and the two equivalent semesters are calculated for eight months and receives approximately 850 or 950 Turkish liras .
- The amount that the student receives is calculated according to several things, including the living situation, where a student from the United States of America receives 950 Turkish liras .
The best Turkish universities participating in the Mevlana Student Exchange Program .
There are a large group of distinguished universities that have participated in the Mevlana Student Exchange Programs in Turkey .
- Istanbul Technical University is one of the most famous and most important universities that have participated in this program, in addition to Aydin University .
- Middle East Technical University, Istanbul Okan, Bilkent, Boğaziçi, Gazi and Bilgi are also participating in this program .
- There is also a group of other distinguished universities as well, such as Sabanci University, Medipol, Ansol, Istanbul, Cukurova, Istinye and Aegean University as well .
Documents required in order to join Mevlana Student Exchange Programs in Turkey
The student must submit a set of documents in order to be accepted .
- Students attach the application for this program with a set of documents and papers, namely :
1. A copy of the Turkish card or a copy of the residence permit .
2. A personal photo .
3. A statement of the student's grades .
4. A copy of the student's passport .
5. Two letters of recommendation obtained by the student from the university .
Features of the Mevlana Student Exchange Program in Turkish Universities
This program contains many features that greatly benefit the student and open up more horizons for him .
- Through this program, the student will be able to obtain a strong network of relationships between countries of the world, as well as develop communication skills .
- The student can learn Turkish in an easy and simple way, and he will also be able to develop himself and strengthen his personality and ideas and make them mature .
- The student is able to get acquainted with different cultures from all countries as well as experience the common cultures between the two countries and learn from new cultures and transfer them to his hometown .
- The student can obtain a prestigious scientific position among researchers as well as those with talent, and this grants him accredited certificates and international experience .
- The Maulana Student Exchange Program is an enjoyable and beneficial experience in all respects as it works on developing the student's personality along with the scientific content that benefits him as well .
- Also, the Maulana Student Exchange Program is a different method from the way the student used to learn or obtain information through it .
- This program also benefits the student in getting to know and learning new languages, even if this is not within his specialty and makes him install his old languages as well .
- The student benefits from this program socially as well, as it gives him the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends of different nationalities, and this gives him many new horizons and options .
- Psychologically, the program is one of the most beautiful educational and recreational opportunities at the same time, as the student travels to new countries and sees scenes and landmarks other than those of his hometown .
Student exchange programs available in Turkey
There are a group of programs offered by Turkish universities for the exchange of students between countries of the world .
Erasmus Program
The European Union established this program and it contains 33 European countries and Turkey is among these countries .
- Turkey sends its students to study in European universities that have registered in this program, and it also receives its students .
- All students studying in Turkish universities, whether they are Turkish or foreign students, can enroll in this program as long as they have completed at least one semester of undergraduate or graduate studies .
Al-Farabi program
This program is internal, meaning that the exchange takes place within Turkish universities only, and this is for a period of no more than a semester only, and the costs are paid .
The university sets a cumulative average that the student must obtain in order to be eligible to join the program, but it is not important to pass the English language exam .
In this article, we have mentioned all the information that a student may need about Maulana's student exchange programs in Turkey , where we touched on the conditions that the student must meet and the papers required for application, as well as the features of this program .
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